From the desk of America First SWFLC President James Hoel
The Sarasota GOP is back in the news. Local Sarasota County GOP establishment leaders have identified their enemy, and it isn’t the party of opposition. Instead, the party’s elected leaders have decided to travel down the path of lawfare and are targeting our local, grassroot, America first patriots.
Frankly, I/we (the Executive Board of the Caucus) am/are at a loss for why this lawsuit has been filed against another CONSERVATIVE political organization, airing in public, what is
clearly an internal Party dispute/situation. This was certainly NOT our choice; we have been making every effort to avoid publicizing this by negotiating a resolution quietly/privately through our attorney.
My question is: Who is financing the newly created club’s legal expenses?
Is it the Republican Executive Committee of Sarasota County? A look at their Treasurer’s report would probably answer that question. GOP funding has been in the red since the establishment decided to stand against local America First leaders. One of the initial clashes between the two sects became unbearable during the 2022 elections, as local community members pushed conservative leaders through for a win, with little help from their Republican party.
After the recent Ziegler fiasco that lingered so long in the press, why would the Republican Party choose to air out, (I repeat) what is obviously an internal problem, in public?
And why would they want to discredit/attack another conservative club sharing the same exact goal; working to elect qualified grassroots Republican candidates?
Maybe you, as investigative reporters can seek out the answers to these questions. I/we hope you do.
In November of 2023, the Republican Club of South Sarasota County received a notice that a series of rule changes by the RPOF for chartered Republican Clubs would be implemented.
These changes to their bylaws would put all chartered club’s treasury, elected officers, membership list and even who could speak at their meetings at risk of being taken over. The club decided that the risk to reward of remaining a charted Republican club and their ever-changing rules was not worth it and voted to resign our charter. In other words, we became autonomous and truly self-governing. Is that American anymore?
But the establishment can’t allow grassroot, America First community leaders to gain too much power. They can’t allow a club of local leaders to surpass their power in leadership…so what do they do, file a lawsuit.
The America First of SWFL Caucus is a conservative club that is completely transparent & whose records are available to any member…at any time and we will continue to resist any efforts by the “establishment” to affect/curtail/diminish/cripple our independence.
The “Caucus” meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Venice Community Center, 326 Nokomis Ave. S (on the island).
Warm Regards,
James Hoel
America First SWFL Caucus
From the desk of AFSWFLC President James Hoel
The Executive Board of the Republican Club of South Sarasota County (RCSSC) found itself in an unfortunate situation brought about by proposed draconian changes to the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) bylaws that were to be voted into effect by its principal leadership in early January 2024. In response to these changes, in late 2023, our board reached out to the RPOF on several occasions, hoping to find common ground in this situation. Unfortunately, we were not able to reach an amicable solution and decided the risk posed by these proposed rule changes outweighed any benefit of keeping our ties with the RPOF for the sole purpose of using the name “Republican Club.”
For over 25 years, our club worked autonomously running our affairs and building our treasury without RPOF/REC assistance. Ultimately, before these onerous rule changes could be voted in and take effect, we had no choice but to exit immediately from under the Republican umbrella, resign our charter, and reorganize our organization into one that adopted a movement better encompassing the moral culture of a majority of our membership. These included working toward goals such as, minimal government, self-governance through cooperation and volunteerism, a strong military deterrence, controlled borders, voter ID, fair elections, listening to the voters, the non-aggression principle, the self-defense principle (second amendment), support of our Constitutional Republic (not a democracy), and a return to Nature's Laws and Nature's God into our culture and lives as noted by the opening of our Declaration of Independence.
Once adopted and voted on by our elected officers and executive board, our old name was changed to adhere with our charter resignation, the membership voted overwhelmingly to adopt the actions set forth by the club’s officers, and all ties with the RPOF were duly severed well before falling under the new mandates of the proposed RPOF bylaws, which were subsequently approved by the RPOF several weeks after our mutual ties were duly severed.
We believe our new name, “America First Southwest Florida Caucus,” does and will embrace all of the above goals envisioned by the rebranding of our modernized and enhanced organization. The America First SWFL Caucus will, as always, be open and look forward to working with the Republican Party of Florida in whatever capacity, whenever we find ourselves on mutual common ground.
James Hoel President
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